

OUTwrites is a queer-positive, sexually diverse writing group where writers meet to engage in writing exercises and critique members’ works.  We meet every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 8 – 10pm at the 519 Community Centre, 519 Church St. – just north of Wellesley. This is just northeast of Wellesley TTC subway station on the Yonge line.  Check the front desk for our room.  Please see our contact page for directions.

Generally, our regular meetings follow this format:

a)  Annoucements:  literary and artistic events around town; potential “artist dates”.
b)  Check-in:  members’ writing project reports.
c)  Writing Exercises/Free Writes:  bring paper, pen, and get your creative juices flowing.
d)  Critique/Workshop:  bring 6-8 copies of your work to be critiqued (5mins of reading max).  This can be arranged ahead of time electronically with the group


Please print and share widely.

Join us! 

Our History…


Vivek Shraya April 2012

   OUTwrites began under this name in September 2003 as a queer-positive, sexually diverse writing group. We existed for at least ten years prior to that under various names. Today, OUTwrites, offers a supportive, welcoming space where writers can share ideas, practice the craft of writing through a variety of exercises, and learn from valuable feedback and critique of their work from other members.
Brian Francis February 2012

Brian Francis February 2012

Our goals are to improve our writing skills, assist each other in developing our work, and support each other in gaining recognition, such as through publication and/or readings. We hope to enrich Canadian Arts and Culture by creating and promoting literary works of excellence from the LGBTQ Community.  We have just launched an E-Zine to disseminate our works, and hope to follow that up with a printed publication.

4voices/No Walls: an OUTwrites event at the JCC May 2009.

Within the mainstream queer community, often only one type of art gains acceptance and appreciation.  Queer artists who attempt to promote original thinking and new perspectives of the world rather than perpetuating stereotypes and queer clichés are not always recognized or nurtured.  In addition, neither the arts nor queer issues have much social capital under certain political administrations. OUTwrites is determined to rise to this challenge by contributing and promoting works that add to the queer literary landscape.  We strive to explore the realms of fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and memoir of high quality from a variety of LGBTQ perspectives.  
Cranking out the creative  juices.

Cranking out the creative juices.

From amateur to pro, we are open to all. In the past, we have planned some exciting writing projects, including our anthology, a night of spoken word, writing retreats (Toronto Islands, rural cottages).  Our writing activities include timed-writes (a variety of timed-writing exercises to keep our creative juices flowing), and collegial workshopping of material members bring to the group (please bring 8 – 10 copies of your work to be critiqued).

Matt Badali’s Unity Conference board, writers Niki, Sheila, Dorianne.

 .       We like to encourage people to stay active in the spoken word community and scene. Several of us have performed at the Artbar poetry reading seriesNight at the Indies indie artist showcaseRenaissance Café at Greenwood/Danforth, Pussy Pen at Tango’s, and other such queer-positive spoken word venues across the city

Please feel free to email us with any questions about the group or the many upcoming events we have planned for the next few months.

Hope to see you at the next meeting!

Happy writing,

OUTwrites Facilitator


1102- poster-David Marshall

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